Gas Absorber Philippines | Competitive EZ Corp.
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Alphachem Absorber Range

Absorbing contaminants. Improving Air Quality

Industrial Factory
Alphachem Spain Logo
Industrial Smoke

Improving air quality for health, safety, reliability and productivity

Blue Skies

ALPHACHEM is the registered trademark of GreenKeeper Iberia for its range of products for chemical air filtration.


Greenkeeper, with its Air treatment division, designs, manufactures and markets engineered Chemical Medias and Air Handling Units (AHUs) for dry chemical air filtration. Having the whole range of products to address different gases in various environments and conditions.

We are committed to helping customers classify air quality in various environments based on key operating parameters and manage projects for the implementation of pressurization and deodorization systems. 

Odor Absorber Drums


Odor Absorber Machines
Corrosion Monitor

Exclusively imported and distributed in the Philippines by Competitive EZ 


Reduce corrosion. Reduce odor.

Improve productivity. Improve profitability.

Consultation + Field Visit

Our technical team provides expert analysis and helps you choose the best alternatives for each case with specific engineering

Diagnostics + Dosage

We provide our recommend solutions and dosage 

backed by our Global Experts, Doctors, Engineers and experienced Facility Specialist

Delivery + Technical After Sales

We provide smooth delivery and post installation maintenance, check up on media capacity, and odor measurement or corrosion measurement

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