Greenkeeper Ethylene Absorber | Distributed by Competitive EZ Corp.
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Greenkeeper Ethylene Absorber

Tube Filters

Wide range of sachet size suitable for Fruits, vegetables and flowers with varying shipment conditions. Best 

used for fruits packed in vacuum bags and clam shells.

High-Capacity Transportation Filters for containers and trucks, and convenient Panel Filters for cold storage rooms.

Recommended for protecting pineapple and different berries, fruits with lower levels of emissions but a higher need for air filtration. It absorbs ethylene gas and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

that gives signal for fungus to propagate in fruits.

Greenkeeper Tube Filters
Greenkeeper Blanket

Growing application of sachets and filters for Bananas, Mango, Avocado, and Roses

gk banana application.jpg
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